Diet for diabetes mellitus, what can and cannot be eaten?

Every person with diabetes should understand that he should be careful about her diet and ideally follow a recommended diabetes diet. The problem lies in the glucose: if there is too much in the body, complications of the disease can occur.

There is "prediabetes, " that is, if glucose tolerance is impaired, there is still no full-blown disease as such. And in this condition, proper nutrition will have an extremely positive effect on the treatment of the disease. But even with the disease itself, it is imperative to control what we consume.

vegetables for diabetes

Diet for diabetes

So we pursue two goals: we need to establish carbohydrate metabolism in the body. And also to reduce the load on the pancreas, for which we need: a diet for diabetes, which will not allow the use of harmful food in case of illness. And these two goals can be achieved precisely thanks to nutritional therapy.

Some useful rules:

  • We stop eating saturated 1-2 times a day. It is better to eat six times a day, and adjust your daily routine in such a way that we always have the same time for lunch every day. We naturally eat food in moderation.
  • The amount of carbohydrates that ends up in our body must be limited. And the most important thing is that they enter the body not once a day, but several times a day, that is, gradually. There should be no fast-digesting carbohydrates in our diet.
  • More protein is required: we eat foods that contain a lot of protein.
  • Every diabetic knows that he should eat only low-fat foods so as not to worsen his health. We also closely monitor cholesterol.
  • Stewed, baked and steamed foods - that's what can be included in the "frame" of our diet. Eat other foods as little as possible.
  • Keep track of the amount of minerals and vitamins that enter your body. They are vital to us.
breakfast foods for diabetes

What Foods Can You Eat With Diabetes?

The most important thing is that you always keep track of the calories and carbohydrates in your food - the diabetes diet allows you to consume them in limited amounts.

  • Meat and fish products.Fatty foods are our enemy. But there are lean meats like rabbit or chicken; you can eat these foods. With fish, the situation is absolutely similar: we only take low-fat varieties. There is no prohibition on canned fish, but it should not be eaten a lot.
  • Dairy products.Dairy products are not only desirable, they should definitely be purchased! The most important thing is that the products do not contain fat. Or there should be a minimum of fat.
  • Can I eat eggs?There is no prohibition, but you cannot eat a lot, a maximum of two eggs a day. And it is generally desirable to eat exclusively quail eggs. Because they don't have cholesterol.
  • Is flour allowed?As for bread, here we buy rye bread or bread made with whole wheat flour. It is advisable for pasta lovers to eat such dishes on rare occasions, but you should not completely abandon pasta. As you can see, nutrition in case of illness requires precision in the choice of flour products.
  • What cereals can you eat?In this sense, there are practically no restrictions. Buckwheat, pearl barley, millet, and oat flakes are allowed in the diet. But there are still some limitations. It is advisable not to eat rice and semolina at all. Because they add a lot of sugar to our body.
  • What vegetables are allowed?We need fiber, so we will choose vegetables that have enough fiber. Add the spinach, kale, eggplant, broccoli, and radishes. If you are a fan of beets, then you should not eat them raw. Everyone loves potatoes, but in case of illness, it is necessary, if not completely, to abandon them, that is, quite a bit.
  • Now about the fruits- with diabetes, it is worth taking sour fruits. But sweets like watermelon, grapes, melons and other sweet fruits should not be included in the diet. As for apples, you are always welcome. Although pears are sweet, they are allowed.
  • Is it possible sweet?In this sense, we will give preference to exclusively diet meals, which include a sugar substitute. If halva, then dietary, honey, you can eat a maximum of a couple of tablespoons a day. And if you have a disease in a serious stage, you should completely abandon honey; this is confirmed in diet chart number 9 for diabetes mellitus.
  • A simple question: "what about the seeds? "Pumpkin seeds are not only desirable, but absolutely necessary - they are very useful. But it is necessary to completely abandon sunflower seeds or eat a little.
  • Are walnuts allowed?You should eat some nuts regularly to be saturated with vitamins and microelements at the same time. We are talking about walnuts and pine nuts. If you like peanuts, no more than fifty grams per day. Almonds are also allowed. These nuts will lower blood sugar.
  • What can you drinkFruit and berry drinks are possible, but, again, only from acidic foods. Tea, rosehip drink: you can drink it without restrictions. If it is mineral water, then strictly non-carbonated. For coffee lovers, drink no more than a couple of cups a day. If it is alcohol, then strictly wine. Wine with a lot of sugar is prohibited.
diabetes products

What to eat with diabetes to reduce sugar

In this regard, you only need to know one rule: we always buy products that have a minimum glycemic index. These foods will lower our blood sugar level. Naturally, the effect will occur in the event that we regularly eat this type of food.

It is also worth adding spices such as red and black pepper, you can drink a drink made from ginger. Cinnamon also has a sugar-reducing effect.

ginger root and cinnamon for diabetes

Sample menu for diabetics

To make it easier for you to understand the rules, we will create a daily menu.

  • Breakfast. As a main course, we will prepare an omelette (strictly quail eggs). As a drink: rosehip broth.
  • Lunch will be more satisfying. As a soup, make pickles (but only with pearl barley). Turkey is compatible with stewed vegetables. For a drink: green tea.
  • Dinner. Fish products combined with vinaigrette. As a drink, currant jelly.

Naturally, with such a menu we will not be able to refuse drugs, but on the other hand, we will almost completely get rid of the risk of sudden increases in blood sugar. The ideal combination is such a diet together with medications.

Famous diet for diabetes

This is diet 9 for diabetes, which was developed by a famous therapist - Pevzner. By following it, we can control the amount of carbohydrates, get enough protein, and also save ourselves from the risks of a spike in blood sugar.

The diet for patients with diabetes mellitus, if briefly described, is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to reduce the caloric content of the products consumed;
  • Consume a significant amount of vegetable proteins and fats;
  • Ditch sweets and sugar altogether;
  • Add a minimum of spices to food; if you add salt, very little;
  • It is advisable to stew or cook food. Fried / smoked is prohibited;
  • You need to eat extremely hot food. Not too hot and not too cold;
  • Eat a little several times a day; make a schedule for each day;
  • Buy products that contain sweeteners;
  • Control the amount of liquid you drink. The limit is 1. 6 liters;
  • Check the glycemic index.

People suffering from diabetes mellitus are very useful chokeberry.